
Founded in 2021 by webmaster + executive producer Chris Szaz, In Step Beauty changes the game as far as digital magazines and sites about beauty go.

Because beauty is more than how people look.

It’s more than makeup, hair styling, and fashion. In the words of Chris, “In Step Beauty brings a new angle to beauty. We feel that Beauty should encompass all aspects of life. The Inner. The Outer. The You.”

In Step Beauty is something of a dream come true for me: while I’ve been a makeup artist for a while, the notion of seeing beauty, knowing beauty, and being beautiful has always meant more than a perfectly contoured cheek. On this site, I interview and write about people who and organizations that are industry leaders because they are about more than trend, fame, and revenue. Because actual beauty is more complex than those things.


In Step Beauty Interviews & Articles


In Step Beauty

What I Do

Conduct interviews, write features

The Artist and The Subject

A Reworking of Working Together, Chapter 3 – “Finishing the Face”

The Artist and The Subject

A Reworking of Working Together, Chapter 2 – “What is the Transformation?”

The Artist and The Subject

A Reworking of Working Together, Chapter 1 – “What is the Foundation?”

Origin. Transparency. Connectivity

Orlando Arroyo Cardenas and Try Just Coffee Revolutionize the Coffee Industry and the Experience.

Believe, Receive, Achieve.

Randall Coats Brings Everything That is Wine Home to Detroit.

If You’re Going to Leave, Leave. If You’re Going to Stay, Shine.

How Sons of Thunder Conquered the COVID.

Gilbert Soliz:
A Man For All Seasons, Sets, and Stars

Dry Shampoo:

Something of a Unicorn

Scrub, Balm, Tint.

How to Take Care of Your Lips During Cold Weather.

Autumn Leaves, Yes, and Autumn Lips

New and Cornerstone Products